2007年4月13日 星期五

Find Taiwan Court Cases

How to find Taiwan Court Cases?

Taiwan Online Court Cases Data Bank

This website contains almost every cases in Taiwan since 1999, except sexual abuse cases. It also provides online full-text court cases which including civil court cases, criminal court cases and administration court cases. The most amazing thing is that it also collects cases from different level of courts including the Supreme court, Appeal court(Taiwan High Court) and District Court, and it is free, online and full-text.
However, it provides tradtional Chinese only.

This website was supervised by Judicial Yaun, so researchers can regard it an official website. In practice, local lawyers or both parties use it as a "win-rate data bank" from case outcomes. If lawyers or people are good at this research tool, it is fair to say, he or she can roughly predicts what kind of risk his or her case might has. As researchers, they prefer to analyze the legal issues by it's great keyword function and fast speed. As a prosecutor, I prefer to discuss the result of cases with defense lawyer in order to have reasonable pleas and sentence.

By Wan-Li Yang
rewrite 2010.6.14

2007年4月2日 星期一

New Haven犯罪問題:耶魯大學附近治安狀況

New Haven犯罪問題:耶魯大學附近治安狀況

New Haven Crime Rate
The first 3 months of 2007 saw a decline in overall crime in New Haven Connecticut, but non-lethal shootings were up, following a trend that started late last year, police officials announced Mondat.
Overrall crime for the first quarter of 2007 was down by 6% compared to the same period last year, New Haven Police Department Chief Francisco Oritiz and Mayor John DeStefano said at a press cnference. Notably, there were no homicides, compared to 5 the first quarter of 2006. But the first quarter of 2007 was marked by continued increase in both assualf and non-letheal shootings, problems that Ortiz said the NHPD hopes to remedy with increased community outreach. (From Yale News Tuesday, April 3, 2007)

New Haven 治安(耶魯大學校園附近治安狀況)

由於Yale Law School 裏的ㄧ個program,所以不顧家人的強烈concern參加了ride along的New Haven夜間巡邏。參加前對New Haven的治安,就"聞名"已久,New Haven Register毎天頭版幾乎都是刑事案件,犯罪問題在late 2005-early 2006尤其嚴重,犯罪率(crime rate)據稱是全美第六糟的城市。
雖然在A Taiwanese in New Haven一文寫到:"少數的幾個好區被壞區包圍著,有時候過了一條街就可以明顯感覺到環境的改變",形容了耶魯大學以及New Haven治安狀況,但是ㄧ個晚上巡邏下來,我還是覺得這樣的形容不夠貼切,或許正確的說法可以改成:一個好區整個被壞區給整個包圍住,這樣才夠傳神。

雖然耶魯大學花很多精神維護學生的安全,security Yale program中提供了免費的校車巡迴校園,入夜之後還有免費的護送服務,耶魯法學院(Yale Law School)還有自己的夜間專用Shuttle給 law Yale用,但還是無法避免校園內犯罪的發生。

我們在巡邏當中,就在離Yale university不遠的Howe street & Whalley Ave後面的街道上,就親眼目睹了有人在日落前在街道上留Pitbull dog, 若非當晚警員傑夫特別提醒我那是一隻Pitbull,我還沒有特別注意到,他告訴我幫派與Drug dealer都有那種狗,作為攻擊用啦(好特殊,不過~~~)。

另外我們還巡邏到離Yale很近約計15分鐘車程就到了的南康乃狄克州立大學(Southern Connecticut State University),因為Southern Connecticut State University有自己的獨立校區,不像Yale university是個大學城,校區就落點在down town裡面,所以整體感覺還算好;但是出了南康大校區之後那可就又大不同了,BrooksideWestville_Manor就在學校旁, 而Brookside Ave一整批都是荒廢掉的國民住宅,整排的上百戶國民住宅門窗都被封鎖著,看得另人瞠目結舌,Westville Manor也好不到哪裡去,毎個corner都聚集了五到十個的teenage,警車經過時每個teenage都停下來看我們,這讓我想到前一周看到的T.D. Case,心情很沉重,這些teenage怎麼擺脫掉這種被注定的命運呢?( 傑夫直接了當說:永遠不可能。好狠 ㄚ!)

這兩個社區曾經都有極高的犯罪率,在與老闆Michael Dearington討論T.D. case時也一併向他報告親眼所見,Michael向我解釋,這兩個國民住宅的興建,是在十五年前當時的市長因決心拆遷坐落在downtown的壞社區,而新建這兩個坐落在downtown外圍的國民住宅,將poor遷出New Haven downtown試圖解決downtown的犯罪率問題,不過,十五年過後,證實該計畫完全不可行,因為國民住宅聚居了poor有極高犯罪率,而且居民不在意住屋的維護,因此淪為犯罪天堂,不到十五年,整批國民住宅被迫必須全部封閉。

另外,較為值得觀察的還包括New Haven警局的巡邏規劃,是由個別的警員駕駛巡邏車巡邏,所以非兩人一組,警用電腦據傑夫說是非常穩定,而且還可以即時收email(因為惡性難改~~~我問傑夫可否拍攝警車照片,所以傑夫就很謹慎的發EMAIL問他的主管,他的主管就"即時"EMAIL回覆,不但說YES,還順便說她會Show up in 5 minute,因此才觀察到這台電腦的"人性化"一面)

New Haven治安(耶魯大學治安狀況):
http://www.newhavencrimelog.org/ (可查詢New Haven住家附近犯罪紀錄,很神!)
http://www.wenhui.ch/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=737 (寫出市民小小無奈,並提及了New Haven crime rate)

By Wan-Li Yang  2007/04/02