2010年3月30日 星期二


實務運作難題 2







第 3 條 第1項
本條例所稱主管機關︰在中央為內政部;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣 (市) 為縣 (市) 政府。各該主管機關應獨立編列預算並置專職人員辦理兒童及少年性交易防制業務。
第 34 條
第 35 條

By Wan-Li Yang

2010年3月25日 星期四

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 296-308

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 296-308
Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法英文版
Article 296-308

[刑法英文全文各章節 http://wanliyang.blogspot.tw/2009/10/blog-post.html ]

Chapter 26

Offenses Against Freedom

Article 296

A person who enslaves another or places another in a position as not free as a slave shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than one year but not more than seven years.

Article 296-1

A person who trades in or mortgages humans shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than five years and, in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yuan may be imposed.

A person who for purpose to make a person to engage in sexual intercourse or to make an obscene act commits the offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for less than seven years and, in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yuan may be imposed.

A person who through the use of violence, threats, intimidation, controls, drugs, hypnosis or another means commit an offense specified in the two preceding paragraphs shall be punished with a punishment by increasing it up to one half.

A person who arranges, accepts, conceals a traded or mortgaged person specified in the three preceding paragraphs or to cause him to conceal shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than one year but not more than seven years, in addition thereto, a fine of not more than three hundred thousand yuan may be imposed.

A public official who harbors a person who commits an offense specified in the four preceding paragraphs shall be punished with the punishment prescribed in the relating paragraph by increasing it by one half.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in paragraphs 1 to 3 is punishable.

Article 297
A person who for purpose of gain fraudulently causes another to leave the territory of the Republic of China shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten year and, in addition thereto, a fine of not more than three hundred thousand yuan may be imposed.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in the previous paragraph is punishable.

Article 298

A person who forcibly abducts a female person for purpose that she marry him or another shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than five years.

A person who forcibly abducts a female for purpose of gain or for purpose to cause her to commit an obscene act or submit to sexual intercourse shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than one year but not more than seven years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than one thousand yuan may be imposed.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in one of the two preceding paragraphs is punishable.

Article 299

A person who transports a forcibly abducted person specified in the preceding article beyond the territory of the Republic of China shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than five years.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable

Article 300

A person who accepts, conceals or causes to be concealed a forcibly abducted person for purpose of gain or for purpose that such an abducted person commit an obscene act or have sexual intercourse shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than six months but not more than five yeas; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five hundred yuan may be imposed.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.

Article 301

A person who commits an offense specified in one of the articles, 298 through 300, and who returns the abducted person or reveals the location of the person resulting in his recovery before a judgment has been pronounced may have his punishment reduced.

Article 302

A person who without authority takes another into custody or by other illegal means deprives him of his freedom of movement shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than five years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

If death results from the commission of the offense, the offender shall be punished with life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment for not less than seven years; if aggravated injury results, the offender shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in paragraph 1 is punishable.

Article 303

A person who commits an offense specified in paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding article against his lineal blood ascendant shall be subject to the punishment prescribed for such an offense by increasing it up to one half.

Article 304

A person who by violence or threats causes another to do a thing which he has no obligation to do or who prevents another from doing a thing that he has the right to do shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than three years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine or not more than three hundred yuan.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.

Article 305

A person who threatens to cause injury to the life, body, freedom, reputation, or property of another and thereby endangers his safety shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

Article 306

A person who without reason enters a dwelling house or structure of another, the adjacent or surrounding grounds, or a vessel belonging to another shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

A person who without reason conceals himself in the property specified in the preceding paragraph or refuses to leave upon request shall be subject to the same punishment.

Article 307

A person who searches a person, dwelling house, structure, vessel, carriage or aircraft of another contrary to law or order shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

Article 308

Prosecution for an offense specified in one of the articles, 298 through 306, may be instituted only upon complaint.

If the offense is one specified in paragraph 1 of Article 298, a complaint may not be made contrary to the will of the abducted person.

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 309-314

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 309-314
Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法英文版
Article 309-314

Chapter 27

Offenses Against Reputation and Credit

Article 309

A person who publicly insults another shall be punished with short-term imprisonment or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

A person who by violence commits an offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than five hundred yuan.

Article 310

A person who points out or disseminates a fact which will injure the reputation of another for purpose that it be communicated to the pubic commits the offense of slander and shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than five hundred yuan.

A person who by circulating a writing or drawing commits an offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than one thousand yuan.

A person who can prove the truth of the defamatory fact shall not be punished for the offense of defamation unless the fact concerns private life and is of no public concern.

Article 311

A person who makes a statement with bona-fide intent under one of the following circumstances shall not be punished:

Self-defense, self-justification, or the protection of legal interest
A report made by a public official in his official capacity
Fair comment on a fact subject to public criticism
Fair report on the proceedings of a national or local assembly, court, or a public meeting
Article 312

A person who publicly insults a deceased person shall be punished with short-term imprisonment or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

A person who commits the offense of defamation of a deceased person shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than one thousand yuan.

Article 313

A person who injures the credit of another by circulating rumors or by fraudulent means shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than two years or with short-term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than one thousand yuan may be imposed.

Article 314

Prosecution for an offense specified in this Chapter may be instituted only upon complaint.

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 315-319

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 315-319

Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法英文版
Article 325~334-1
第 二八 章 妨害秘密罪

Chapter 28

Offenses Against Privacy

Article 315

A person who without reason opens or conceals a sealed letter or other sealed document belonging to another shall be punished with short-term imprisonment or a fine of not more than three thousand yuan. A person who without reason looks into the contents of a sealed letter by other means than opening shall be subject to same punishment.

第 315 條   無故開拆或隱匿他人之封緘信函、文書或圖畫者,處拘役或三千元以下罰

Article 315-1
An offense with one of the following circumstances shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than three years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than thirty thousand yuan:

Uses instruments or equipment without reason to peep at or eavesdrop on other’s non-public activities, speeches, talks, or the private part of the body
Uses audio recording, photographic, visual-taping, or electromagnetic means without reason to record other’s non-public activities, speeches, talks, or the private bodily part

第 315-1 條   有下列行為之一者,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或三萬元以下罰金:

Article 315-2

A person who for purpose of gain provides a locality or an instrument to facilitate another to engage in an act specified in paragraph 1 shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for less than five years and short-term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than fifty thousand yuan may be imposed.

A person who for purpose of dissemination, broadcast, or sale has the act specified in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the same punishment.

An offense of manufacturing, distributing, broadcasting or selling the recorded materials specified in the two preceding paragraphs or item 2 of the preceding paragraph shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in the three preceding paragraphs is punishable.

第 315-2 條   意圖營利供給場所、工具或設備,便利他人為前條第一項之行為者,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科五萬元以下罰金。

Article 315-3
The contents of the recording specified in the preceding two articles and the articles on which the recording is made and the recording articles shall be forfeited whether or not they belong to the offender.
第 315-3 條   前二條竊錄內容之附著物及物品,不問屬於犯人與否,沒收之。

Article 316
A medical doctor, pharmacist, druggist, midwife, mental therapist, clergyman, lawyer, advocate, advocate, notary public, accountant, one of their business assistants, or one who has previously engaged in such occupation who without reason discloses the secrets of another which he knows or possesses because of his occupation shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than fifty thousand yuan.
第 316 條   醫師、藥師、藥商、助產士、心理師、宗教師、律師、辯護人、公證人、會計師或其業務上佐理人,或曾任此等職務之人,無故洩漏因業務知悉或持有之他人秘密者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或五萬元以下罰金。

Article 317

A person who is required by law, order, or contract to preserve the commercial or industrial secrets of another which he knows or possesses because of his occupation and who discloses such secrets without reason shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than one thousand yuan.
第 317 條   依法令或契約有守因業務知悉或持有工商秘密之義務,而無故洩漏之者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或一千元以下罰金。

Article 318

A public official or one who has previously been a public official who discloses without reason commercial or industrial secrets of another that he knows or possesses because of his official position shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than two thousand yuan.
第 318 條   公務員或曾任公務員之人,無故洩漏因職務知悉或持有他人之工商秘密者,處二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或二千元以下罰金。

Article 318-1

A person without reason discloses the secrets of another which he knows or possesses through the use of a computer or other relating equipment shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine not more than five thousand yuan.
第 318-1 條   無故洩漏因利用電腦或其他相關設備知悉或持有他人之秘密者,處二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或五千元以下罰金。

Article 318-2

A person who commits, by using a computer or relating equipment, the offenses specified in Articles 315, 315-1, and 318-2 shall be punished with punishment by increasing it up to one half.
第 318-2 條   利用電腦或其相關設備犯第三百十六條至第三百十八條之罪者,加重其刑至二分之一。

Article 319

Prosecution for an offense specified in Articles 315, 315-1, and 316 through 318 may be instituted only upon complaint.

第 319 條   第三百十五條、第三百十五條之一及第三百十六條至第三百十八條之二之罪,須告訴乃論。

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 320-324

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 320-324
Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法英文版

Article 320-324
Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Offense of Larceny (theft?)

Article 320

A person who for purpose to exercise unlawful control over property of another for himself or for a third person unlawfully takes movable property of another commits larceny and shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not more than five years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than five hundred yuan.

A person who for purpose to gain unlawful benefit of himself or of a third person unlawfully occupies the real property of another shall be punished in accordance with provisions of the preceding paragraph.

An attempt to commit an offense specified in one of the two preceding paragraphs is punishable.

第 320 條   意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有,而竊取他人之動產者,為竊盜罪,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或五百元以下罰金。

Article 321

A person who commits larceny under one of the following circumstances shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment for not less than six months but not more than five years:

Entering at night a dwelling house, structure used as a dwelling house, or vessel, or concealing himself therein
Damaging and crossing a window, door, wall, or other protective features
Carrying a dangerous weapon
Forming a group of three or more persons
Taking advantage of fire, flood, or any other disaster
Committing the offense at a station or wharf
An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.

第 321 條   犯竊盜罪而有左列情形之一者,處六月以上、五年以下有期徒刑:

Article 322
第 322 條   (刪除)

Article 323

Electricity, thermo-energy, and other energies shall be considered a movable property within the meaning of this Chapter.
第 323 條   電能、熱能及其他能量,關於本章之罪,以動產論。

Article 324

If an offense specified in this Chapter is committed among lineal blood relatives, between spouses, or among other relatives who live together and share their property, the punishment may be remitted.

Prosecution for an offense specified in this Chapter committed among the relatives specified in the preceding paragraph, blood relatives within the fifth degree of relationship or relatives by marriage within the third degree of relationship may be instituted only upon complaint.

第 324 條   於直系血親、配偶或同財共居親屬之間,犯本章之罪者,得免除其刑。

2010年3月5日 星期五



(3)一併向公所聲請調解, 調解不成, 請公所秘書將本案 函請地檢署繼續處理。
(4)向地檢署以告訴狀提出告訴(但因地檢署沒有車禍資料,因此仍須要花一段時間,向該管轄警察局調取相關交通事故資料) 。


3.車禍(受傷)一般會賠多少?無解, 蓋因:

若要說是否有跡可循, 則可參下述人員的經驗:
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6.酒後駕車撞到人,怎麼辦?此時先會有(1)公共危險(酒後駕車)的罪名出現' 如果對方還受傷的話,第二個罪名可能也會跟著出現(2)過失傷害(對方有提出過失傷害告訴時)

因此 儘快與對方和解, 以此請求檢察官、法官對(1)公共危險(酒後駕車)的罪名從輕處理,才是第一時間應儘快處理的事

可參考華南產物保險公司 車禍和解書注意事項 提供有通用版的車禍和解書範例下載,請自行依據自身個案狀況再另行調整變化。

法規: 耕地三七五減租條例
司法判解: http://law.moj.gov.tw/Law/LawSearchJudge.aspx
裁判字號:84 年台上字第 1856 號 :要旨:承租人承租耕地非因不可抗力繼續一年不為耕作,不問其不為耕作者,係承租耕地之一部或全部,出租人均得依耕地三七五減租條例第十七條第一項第四款規定終止租約,收回全部耕地。

裁判字號:56 年台上字第 1520 號 :要旨:耕地之承租人應自任耕作,並不得將耕地全部或一部轉租他人,否則原訂租約應屬無效,此觀耕地三七五減租條例第十六條第一項第二項之規定至明。所謂不自任耕作,兼指轉租及將耕地借與他人使用在內。

更複雜之檢索方式司法院' http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm

By Wan-Li Yang