2013年3月24日 星期日

Attorney-General of Australia

Attorney-General of Australia

澳大利亞是英聯邦成員國之一,政治機構和習慣沿襲西方的民主傳統,實行兩院制的議會制 度。參議院有76席,每一州12席及兩個領地各2席,每隔三年通過公民投票選舉一半的議員,議員任期六年。眾議院則有148席,按照各州比率通過公民投票選舉產生,議員任期三年,每一州的代表至少5名以上。在眾議院中占多數的黨或多黨聯盟將組成政府,提供總理和各部部長人選。政府部長必須是議員。


目前澳州聯邦分為六個州及兩個領地, 國家分聯邦、州(領地)、地方政府三級管理。澳大利亞議會(立法機構)和政府負責處理涉及全國利益的所有事務。六個州政府和州立法機構補充聯邦政府的活動(北部地方和澳大利亞首都直轄區同各州的情況類似,在很大程度上實行自治)。在城、鎮、市和郡一級共約有900個地方政府機構。關於澳大利亞聯邦議會的權力在成文憲法中已有明確規定。該憲法自1901年1月1日各殖民地結成澳大利亞聯邦之日起生效。憲法的修改必須通過公民投票。投票時除了需要全國多數人贊成外,在六個州中還必須至少有四個州的多數投票者贊成,方能修憲。女王伊莉莎白二世是澳大利亞正式的女王,聯邦總督和六個州的總督是女王的代表。





The Attorney-General of Australia is the first law officer of the Crown, chief law officer of the Commonwealth of Australia and a minister of the Crown. The Attorney-General is usually a member of the Federal Cabinet, but there is no constitutional requirement that this be the case. Under the Constitution he or she is appointed by the Governor-General on the advice of the Prime Minister, and serves at the Governor-General's pleasure. In practice the Attorney-General is a party politician and his or her tenure is determined by political factors.

The Attorney-General is head of the Attorney-General's Department, and is the minister responsible for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and the OFLC, the government agency responsible for classification of Films, Literature and Video Games. The Attorney-General also serves as a general legal adviser to the Cabinet, and has carriage of legislation dealing with copyright, human rights and a range of other subjects. The Attorney-General is nearly always a distinguished lawyer, and a number of Attorneys-General have gone on to judicial appointments. Billy Hughes was the longest-serving Attorney-General of Australia, serving for nearly 11 years over three non-consecutive terms.

Following the last general election, at which Labor's Kevin Rudd defeated the Liberal/National coalition led by John Howard, Robert McClelland replaced Phillip Ruddock as Attorney-General on 3 December 2007.
