2012年6月21日 星期四

香港勞動法Hong Kong Labor Law


The labour law in Hong Kong

1. the Labour Dept of the Hong Kong Govt : http://www.labour.gov.hk/

it offers you a general outline of its functions

2. www.legislation.gov.hk

go to Chapter 57 - Employment Ordinance; you will then be able to understand the different kinds of offences provided in the Employment Ordinance; if you want to know more about how criminal proceedings in Hong Kong are conducted, you can also read Chapter 221 - the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, and Chaper 227 the Magistrates Ordinance

3. http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/

there is a seach function; you provide the key words eg. labour law / employment, then you can read a lot of cases in relation to labour law

In cases of the employer's misconduct he is punished for a regulatory offence or even for a criminal act (sec. 21 paras. 1- 4 MPA).” Liliane Jung, National Labour Law Profile: Federal Republic of Germany, http://www.ilo.org/ifpdial/information-resources/national-labour-law-profiles/WCMS_158899/lang--en/index.htm

瑞典勞動法: Sweden's Employment Laws
