2007年2月3日 星期六

The Taiwanese legal research method in cyberspace-B( By Wanli Yang)

A.Resources in Chinese (ps:for online Taiwan legal research resources in English or bilingual, check:http://wanliyang.blogspot.com/2007/01/taiwanese-legal-research-method-in.html)

Taiwan Electornic Periodical Services (TEPS)is an on-line database offering the most full-text Taiwan periodicals around the world. Currently TEPS contains more than 450 Taiwan Periodicals of different subjects. The quantity is continually increasing and can search by English phrase, browse, and print Taiwan periodicals in Chinese version online.

Taiwan Kaohsiung Juvenile Court
http://ksy.judicial.gov.tw/ (click on the "English version" link on the left side of the page)
Juvenile delinquency is treated under special juvenile justice system. Taiwan has special juvenile law, The Juvenile Proceedings Act(JPA), dealing with juvenile crime. JPA was proposed and duly passed in 1962; in 1968 district courts were facilitated with probation officers to provide intervention; in 1970 a juvenile court was instituted within the district court, and in 1971 the JPA was promulgated and implemented; Thereafter the JPA underwent major revision to the current version officially amended on 29 th October 1997. In accordance with the JPA, Kaohsiung Juvenile Court was formally set up on 15 th September 1999 as the first specialized juvenile court in Taiwan .

Victims' Right
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Committee
http://dspc.moi.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=5 (English Version)
http://dspc.moi.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1 (Chinese version)
It provides data bank of Domestic Violence Prevention Law, Sexual Assault Prevention Law, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Law.
Statistical data:
Including sexual abuse crime rate, domestic violence crime rate, legal aid analysis and so on.
(Chinese version only)

The Program of Reducing Repeat Interrogation for Victims of Sexual Assault is to prevent second hurt, so that need network coordination , such as facilitating social workers at each local Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse Prevention Center, providing 24-hr emergency hotline, legal aid, financial aid, education aid and shelter.

(for online Taiwan legal research resources in English or bilingual, check:legal research)

By Wanli Yang
Published February 03,2007
