2008年4月11日 星期五

CPS announces the roll out of two key justice initiatives

英國皇家檢察署於本月一日宣布將全面實施兩項關鍵性措施( CPS announces the roll out of two key justice initiatives)
1 April 2008
英國皇家檢察署(CPS)於2008年4月1日正式宣布將在England以及威爾斯( Wales)地區全面實施兩項關鍵性措施,一為偵查中對證人之訊問(Pre-trial Interview),另一為類似附條件式緩起訴處分,簡稱為附條件式處遇( Conditional Caution),就偵查中對證人之訊問此一新措施,可使檢察官在案件進入法院之前,得以訊問證人。而在附條件處遇計畫下,較輕微的犯罪可因此免於進入法院(免於起訴)。
The national roll-out of two new initiatives - pre-trial interviews with witnesses and conditional cautions - has now been completed across England and Wales. The pre-trial witness initiative enables prosecutors to interview witnesses before a trial begins and under the conditional cautioning scheme, low-level criminal cases can be diverted away from court.
英國皇家檢察署檢察長(The Director of Public Prosecutions) Ken Macdonald QC 表示,根據以往英國司法之制度,無論任何案件,(偵查中)檢察官是無法訊問證人的,是以,這次的偵查中訊問證人此一新的措施,使英國傳統的司法制度做了一些基本上的改變。 因此Ken Macdonald QC表示此項新措施將成為檢察官非常重要的關鍵偵查工具,得使檢察官就手上的刑事案件可以做出更加適切的決定,也因此可以更加確保檢察官起訴的是更加正確的對象以及更加精確的罪名。
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Ken Macdonald QC said, "Pre-trial witness interviews represent a fundamental change to our legal system as prosecutors were not allowed to interview witnesses in any cases in England and Wales before these CPS pilots began. I consider witness interviews to be an essential tool to help prosecutors to make better informed decisions about criminal cases so that the right person is brought before the right court for the right offence."

偵查中訊問證人此一偵查技巧主要可以用以評價證人證詞之可信性,並幫助檢察官釐整複雜之證據,此外檢察官也可以藉此機會向證人解釋案件進入法院後的司法程序。偵查中詢問證人此一措施一開始是在2006年1月起先在四個CPS轄區中( Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cumbria. )試行,而今年(2008)CPS已經決定將此一措施施行於全England 以及 Wales地區。

英國皇家檢察署乃是直到20世紀的80年代才成立,在此之前,英國均由警察在進行偵查以及決定是否將案件送入審判系統,是以,英國皇家檢察署成立後,雖然將一些重要案件攬在皇家檢察署,並由皇家檢察官決定是否起訴,然則,一如美國康州州檢察官制度,檢察官並沒有所謂正式的在偵查中訊問證人這樣的形式存在。在康州,檢察官在起訴案件前後當然可以訪談,但是與台灣非常不同的是,這樣的訪談非常簡單,無筆錄、錄音形式,更無地點的限制,所以在康州的New Haven州檢察官辦公室中,雖然有10餘位助理檢察官,但是整個辦公室僅有一位正式的Clerk,並無類似台灣的書記官,也就是每一位助理檢察官並沒有配置書記官的狀況。

而我國的檢察官,因為有起訴、不起訴、職權處分以及緩起訴等決定權,是以,他兼具了康州助理檢察官以及預審法官(Pretrial Judge)的特性,必須開庭,行一定形式的訊問,作證正式筆錄,來決定案件是否適宜為緩起訴等。因此,就英國皇家檢察署而言,偵查中訊問證人的這項措施,確實是大大的融合了英美檢察制度以及歐洲大陸法檢察制度的重要一步。

The evaluation report was published today and is available on our website in the Victims and Witnesses section - view Pre-trial witness interviews - Interviewing prosecution witnesses

The Crown Prosecution Service is the Government Department responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales. It is responsible for:
Advising the police and reviewing the evidence on cases for possible prosecution;
Deciding the charge where the decision is to prosecute;
Preparing cases for court;
Presentation of cases at court;

The CPS consists of 42 Areas in total, each headed by a Chief Crown Prosecutor (CCP). A telephone service, CPS Direct, provides out-of-hours advice and decisions to police officers across England and Wales. The CPS employs around 8,400 people and prosecuted 1,091,250 cases with an overall conviction rate of 83.7% in 2006-2007. Further information can be found on this website.
Media enquiries to CPS Press Office on 020 7796 8127.

資料來源:http://www.cps.gov.uk/news/pressreleases/122_08.html last visited 2007.4.12

BY WAN-LI YANG  2007.4.12
