2010年7月10日 星期六

性別平等教育法 Gender Equity Education Act

Gender Equity Education Act 2004.06.23( Taiwan)

修正日期 民國 99 年 05 月 26 日

Chapter 1 General Provisions
第 一 章 總則

Article 1  
This Act is prescribed in order to promote substantive gender equality, eliminate gender discrimination, uphold human dignity, and improve and establish education resources and environment of gender equality.
For matters not set forth in this Act, the relevant provisions of other laws shall govern.

第 1 條   為促進性別地位之實質平等,消除性別歧視,維護人格尊嚴,厚植並建立性別平等之教育資源與環境,特制定本法。
Article 2  
The following terms that appear in this Act are hereby defined:
1. Gender equity education: to eliminate gender discrimination and promote substantive gender equality through education.
2. School: public and private schools of all levels.
3. Sexual assault: any sexual offense defined by the Sexual Assault Prevention Act
4. Sexual harassment: cases described by the following and do not constitute as sexual assaults:
i) Unwelcome remarks or conducts that carry explicitly or implicitly a sexual or gender discriminating connotation and thereby adversely affect the other party's human dignity, or the opportunity or performance of her or his learning or work. 
ii) A conduct of sexual or gendered nature that is served as the condition for oneself or others to gain or lose rights or interests in learning or work.
5. Sexual assault or sexual harassment on campus: sexual assault or sexual harassment that involves the school principal, faculty, staff or student as one party and student as the other party.

第 2 條   本法用詞定義如下:
(一) 以明示或暗示之方式,從事不受歡迎且具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,致影響他人之人格尊嚴、學習、或工作之機會或表現者。
(二) 以性或性別有關之行為,作為自己或他人獲得、喪失或減損其學習或工作有關權益之條件者。

Article 3  
The term competent authority used in this Act is referred to the Ministry of Education at the central government level, the municipal government at the municipal level, and the county or city government at the county or city level.

第 3 條   本法所稱主管機關:在中央為教育部;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣 (市) 為縣 (市) 政府。
Article 4   The central competent authority shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1. Draft laws, regulations, policies and annual projects related to gender equity education at national level;
2. Coordinate and integrate related resources, assist and fund the regional competent authority and schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction in order to implement and develop gender equity education;
3. Supervise and evaluate gender equity-related activities carried out by the regional competent authority, schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction under its jurisdiction;
4. Promote research and development of curricula, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education and related issues;
5. Plan and implement gender equity education personnel training programs;
6. Provide consultation services related to gender equity education, and investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act;
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education at national level;
8. Other matters related to gender equity education at national level.

第 4 條   中央主管機關應設性別平等教育委員會,其任務如下:
Article 5  
The competent authority of the municipal government at municipal level and the county or city government at county or city level shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1 Draft regional laws and regulations, policies and annual projects related to gender equity education;
2. Coordinate and integrate related resources, assist and fund the regional competent authority and schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction in order to implement and develop gender equity education;
3. Supervise and evaluate gender equity-related activities carried out by schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction;
4. Promote research on curricula, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education and related issues;
5. Provide schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction consultation service related to gender equity education, and investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act;
6. Implement in-service education programs for faculty and personnel in schools under its jurisdiction;
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education;
8. Other regional matters related to gender equity education.

第 5 條   直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關應設性別平等教育委員會,其任務如下:
Article 6  
The school shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1. Integrate related resources in various departments of the school, draft gender equity education projects, and implement and examine the results of the projects;
2. Plan and implement activities related to gender equity education for students, staff, faculty, and parents;
3. Research, develop and promote courses, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education;
4. Draft and implement regulations on gender equity education and prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus, establish mechanisms to coordinate and integrate related resources;
5. Investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act;
6. Plan and establish a safe and gender-fair campus;
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education at community level;
8. Other matters related to gender equity at school or community level.

第 6 條   學校應設性別平等教育委員會,其任務如下:
Article 7  
The gender equity education committee of the central competent authority shall consist of seventeen to twenty-three members, who shall serve for specific terms. The Minister of Education shall be chair of the committee. At least half of the committee members shall be women. Experts, scholars, NGO/NPO representatives and practitioners from fields related to gender equity education shall make up at least two-thirds of the committee members. 
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staffer(s) ad hoc to handle related matters. Matters regarding the organization and meetings of the committee and other related affairs shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.

第 7 條  
Article 8  
The gender equity education committee of the municipal government and county or city level shall consist of nine to twenty-three members, who shall serve specific terms. The mayor of the municipality, the magistrate of the county or the mayor of the city government shall be chair of the committee. At least half of the committee members shall be women. Experts, scholars, NGO/NPO representatives and practitioners from fields related to gender equity education shall make up at least one-third of the committee members.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staffer(s) ad hoc to handle related matters. Matters regarding the organization and meetings of the committee and other related affairs shall be prescribed by the competent authorities at municipal, or county or city level.

第 8 條   直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關之性別平等教育委員會,置委員九人至二十三人,採任期制,以直轄市、縣 (市) 首長為主任委員,其中女性委員應占委員總數二分之一以上;性別平等教育相關領域之專家學者、民間團體代表及實務工作者之委員合計,應占委員總數三分之一以上
前項性別平等教育委員會每三個月應至少開會一次,並應由專人處理有關業務;其組織、會議及其他相關事項,由直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關定之。
Article 9  
The gender equity education committee of the school shall consist of five to twenty-one members, who shall serve specific terms. The school principal or president shall be chair of the committee, and at least one half of the committee members shall be women. Representatives of faculty, staff, parents, students, and experts with gender equity consciousness, and scholars from fields related to gender equity education may be invited to be committee members.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staffer or teacher ad hoc to handle related matters. Matters regarding the organization and meetings of the committee, and other related affairs shall be prescribed by the school.

第 9 條  
Article 10   The competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.

第 10 條   中央、直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關及學校每年應參考所設之性別平等教育委員會所擬各項實施方案編列經費預算。
Article 11  
The competent authority shall supervise schools, social education institutions, or institutions under its jurisdiction to carry out tasks pertinent to gender equity education, as well as provide assistance where necessary. Those who accomplish significant achievements shall be awarded, whereas those who have substandard achievements shall be corrected and supervised for improvement.

第 11 條   主管機關應督導考核所主管學校、社教機構或下級機關辦理性別平等教育相關工作,並提供必要之協助;其績效優良者,應給予獎勵,績效不良者,應予糾正並輔導改進。

Chapter 2 Learning environment and resources
第 二 章 學習環境與資源

Article 12  
The school shall provide a gender-fair learning environment and establish a safe campus environment.
The school shall respect the gender temperaments and sexual orientation of students, faculty and staff.
The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.
第 12 條  
Article 13  
The school shall not discriminate against prospective students and their admission acceptance on the basis of their gender or sexual orientation. This dose not apply to schools, classes and curricula with historical tradition, special education missions, or other non-gender related reasons, upon the approval of the competent authority.

第 13 條   學校之招生及就學許可不得有性別或性傾向之差別待遇。但基於歷史傳統、特定教育目標或其他非因性別因素之正當理由,經該管主管機關核准而
Article 14  
The school shall not discriminate against students on the basis of their gender or sexual orientation in its teaching, activities, assessments, award and punishment, welfare and services. This does not apply to matters only suitable for specific gender.
The school shall affirmatively provide assistance to students who are disadvantaged due to their gender or sexual orientation in order to improve their situation.
The school shall affirmatively protect rights to education of pregnant students, as well as provide assistance where necessary.

第 14 條  
Article 15   Gender equity education shall be included in pre-service training of staff members, orientation training of new staff members, in-service education program and preparation program for educational administrators, the same in professional teacher training programs in colleges and universities.

第 15 條   教職員工之職前教育、新進人員培訓、在職進修及教育行政主管人員之儲訓課程,應納入性別平等教育之內容;其中師資培育之大學之教育專業課,應有性別平等教育相關課程。
Article 16  
At least one-third of members of Staff Appraisal Committee, Grievance Review Committee, and Faculty Evaluation Committee at the school level, as well as the Faculty Grievance Review Committee of the competent authority at the central, municipal and county or city level, shall consist of either sex. This requirement need not apply to schools whose number of faculty members of either sex is lower than one-third of the total number of Faculty Evaluation Committee members.
The school and competent authority shall complete reorganization of committees according to the aforesaid regulations within one year from the effective date of this Act. 
第 16 條   學校之考績委員會、申訴評議委員會、教師評審委員會及中央與直轄市、 縣 (市) 主管機關之教師申訴評議委員會之組成,任一性別委員應占委員總數三分之一以上。但學校之考績委員會及教師評審委員會因該校任一性別教師人數少於委員總數三分之一者,不在此限。

Chapter 3 Curriculum, teaching materials and instruction
第 三 章 課程、教材與教學

Article 17  
The school shall design curriculum and activities to encourage students to develop their potential and shall not discriminate students on the basis of their gender. 
Elementary and junior high schools, in addition to integrating gender equity education into their curriculum, shall provide at least four hours of courses or activities on gender equity education each semester.
Senior high schools shall integrate gender equity education in their curriculum, the same as the five-year junior colleges in the first three years of their curriculum.
Universities and colleges shall offer a wide range of courses on gender studies. 
Schools shall develop course planning and assessment methods in accordance to principles of gender equity education.

第 17 條   學校之課程設置及活動設計,應鼓勵學生發揮潛能,不得因性別而有差別待遇。
Article 18   The compilation, composition, review and selection of course materials shall comply with the principles of gender equity education. The content of teaching materials shall present fairly on the historical contributions, life experiences of both sexes, and diverse gender perspectives. .

第 18 條   學校教材之編寫、審查及選用,應符合性別平等教育原則;教材內容應平衡反映不同性別之歷史貢獻及生活經驗,並呈現多元之性別觀點。
Article 19  
When using teaching materials and engaging in educational activities, teachers shall maintain gender equity consciousness, eliminate gender stereotypes, and avoid gender prejudice and discrimination.
Teachers shall encourage students to take courses in fields that are not traditionally affiliated with their gender.

第 19 條   教師使用教材及從事教育活動時,應具備性別平等意識,破除性別刻板印象,避免性別偏見及性別歧視。
Chapter 4 Prevention and handling of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus

第 四 章 校園性侵害或性騷擾之防治

Article 20  
The central competent authority shall prescribe regulations to prevent and handle sexual assault or sexual harassment on campus. Such regulations shall contain campus safety plans, matters needing attention regarding instruction and interpersonal interaction on and off campus, and handling mechanisms, procedures, and relief for a case of sexual assault or sexual harassment on campus.
The school shall prescribe and promulgate prevention and handling regulations for the aforesaid regulations.
第 20 條  

Article 21  
In its handling of a campus sexual assault or sexual harassment case, the school or competent authority shall fulfill its report responsibility in accordance to pertinent laws and regulations. The school or competent authority shall turn over the case to its gender equity education committee for investigation and handling.

第 21 條   學校或主管機關處理校園性侵害或性騷擾事件,除依相關法律或法規規定通報外,並應將該事件交由所設之性別平等教育委員會調查處理。

Article 22  
In its handling of campus sexual assault or sexual harassment cases, the school or competent authority shall be objective, fair and professional, allowing both involved parties sufficient opportunities to make their statement and plea. Repeated interrogation shall be avoided.
The party's and offense-reporter's name and other information that may lead to personal identification shall be kept confidential, except for investigation necessity or public safety concerns.
第 22 條  
Article 23  
In its handling of a campus sexual assault or sexual harassment case, the school or competent authority shall deploy necessary measures for the protection of the involved party's rights to education or work.

第 23 條   學校或主管機關於調查處理校園性侵害或性騷擾事件期間,得採取必要之處置,以保障當事人之受教權或工作權。
Article 24  
In its handling a campus sexual assault or harassment case, the school or competent authority shall inform the victim or his or her guardian of his or her rights and relief, or refer him or her to related institutions. Psychological counseling, protection measures or other assistance shall be provided where necessary.

第 24 條   學校或主管機關處理校園性侵害或性騷擾事件,應告知被害人或其法定代理人其得主張之權益及各種救濟途徑,或轉介至相關機構處理,必要時,應提供心理輔導、保護措施或其他協助。

Article 25  
Once a campus sexual assault and harassment case has been investigated and established, the school or competent authority shall impose punishment on the offender, or transfer him or her to other authority institutes for punishment in accordance to pertinent laws or regulations.
In its punishment of a sexual harassment offender, the school, competent authority or other authority institute may impose one or more of the followings on the offender:
1. Apologize to the victim upon the consent of the victim or his or her guardian;
2. Attend eight hours of courses on gender equity education;
3. Receive psychological counseling;
4. Prescribe other measures that comply with educational purposes.
In the case of the punishment in the first paragraph, the offender shall be allowed an opportunity to make a written statement when his or her status is changed.
第 25 條  

Article 26  
During the investigation of a campus sexual assault or sexual harassment case, the school or competent authority may make public a description of pertinent matters, handling methods, and principles where necessary. After the case has been closed and upon the approval of the victim or his or her guardian, the school or competent authority may also make public whether the case is established, the type of the case, and handling method of the case. Party names and other information that may lead to their identification shall not be revealed.

第 26 條  

Article 27  
The school or competent authority shall establish a database on cases of sexual assault or sexual harassment on campus, as well as profiles of offenders.
When the aforesaid offender transfers to another school for studies or employment, the former competent authority and the school where the offender worked or studied shall notify the new school where the offender works or studies within one month from the date of knowing such transfer.
The notified school shall keep track of the offender and provide counseling where necessary. The school shall not reveal the offender's name or other information that may lead to his or her identification without legitimate reason.

第 27 條  
Chapter 5 Application for investigation and relief
第 五 章 申請調查及救濟

Article 28  
When the school violates regulations in this Act, the victim or his or her guardian may apply for an investigation to the competent authority supervising the school. The victim of a campus sexual assault or sexual harassment or his or her guardian may apply for an investigation in writing to the offender's school. If the offender is the head of the school, the investigation application shall be made to the competent authority supervising the school.
Anyone with the knowledge of the events mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs may report them to the school or competent authority according to prescribed procedures.

第 28 條  

Article 29  
After receiving an application for investigation or an offense report, the school or competent authority shall send a written notification to the applicant or offense-reporter within twenty days to notify him or her whether the application is accepted.
The school or competent authority shall reject the application or offense report if one of the followings applies:
1. Events not prescribed in the regulations of this Act;
2. Applicants or offense-reporters who do not provide their real names;
3. A case that has already been handled and closed.

The notification in the preceding paragraph shall explain the reason of its rejection in writing.
If the applicant or offense-reporter does not receive a notification of application acceptance or rejection within the time frame mentioned in the first paragraph may reapply in writing to the school or competent authority within twenty days from the date following the notification is received. .

第 29 條  

Article 30  
After receiving an application or offense report mentioned in the first paragraph of the preceding Article, the school or competent authority shall turn over the case to its Gender Equity Education Committee within three days for investigation and handling, except when the second paragraph of the preceding Article applies.
The Gender Equity Education Committee of the school or competent authority may form an investigation team for the aforesaid case.
Members of the aforesaid team shall have gender equity consciousness, and more than half of members shall be women. Part of the members may be invited from outside the school when necessary. At least one-third of the investigation team at the school level and at least one half at the competent authority level shall be composed of experts or scholars specialized in the investigation of such cases. The investigation team shall include representative(s) of the applicant's school when the two parties of the case belong to different schools.
When the Gender Equity Education Committee or investigation team carries an investigation according to the regulations prescribed by this Act, the offender, applicant and persons or offices who are invited to assist the investigation shall cooperate and provide pertinent information.
Pertinent regulations in the Administrative Procedure Law regarding jurisdiction, transfer, avoidance, service and rectification shall be applied or applies mutatis mutandis in this Act.
The Gender Equity Education Committee shall not be affected by the judicial procedures of the case in its investigation and handling of a case.
The Gender Equity Education Committee shall take into account the difference in power between the two parties in its investigation and handling of a case.

第 30 條  

Article 31  
The Gender Equity Education Committee of the school or competent authority shall complete its investigation of a case within two months from the date the application or offense report is accepted. The investigation may be extended at most twice if necessary, and each extension may not exceed one-month's time. The applicant, offense-reporter and offender shall be notified of the extension.
After the investigation is complete, the Gender Equity Education Committee shall submit a written report to its school or competent authority regarding the investigation and suggestions for handling.
After receiving the aforesaid investigation report, the school or competent authority shall put forth a disposition or turn it over to the pertinent authority for a decision within two months according to this Act or pertinent laws or regulations. The school or competent authority shall notify in writing the applicant, offense-reporter and offender of its handling conclusion, facts established and grounds.
Before reaching the aforesaid conclusion, the school or competent authority may request representative(s) of its Gender Equity Education Committee to attend the meeting for clarification.

第 31 條  

Article 32  
If not agreeing with the conclusion referred to the third paragraph of the preceding Article, the applicant and offender may apply in writing with grounds for reapplication within twenty days from the date following the date of receipt of the written notification. .
The aforesaid reapplication may be made only once.
The school or competent authority may request its Gender Equity Education Committee to reinvestigate the case under the conditions that major flaws in the investigation procedure, or new facts or evidences that would affect the investigation are discovered.

第 32 條  
Article 33  
After receiving request for reinvestigation from the school or competent authority, the Gender Equity Education Committee shall organize a new investigation team, whose investigation and handling procedures shall follow pertinent regulations prescribed by this Act.

第 33 條   性別平等教育委員會於接獲前條學校或主管機關重新調查之要求時,應另組調查小組;其調查處理程序,依本法之相關規定。
Article 34  
If not satisfied with the disposition of the reapplication, the applicant or offender may petition for relief according to the following regulations within thirty days from the date following the date of receipt of the written notification.:
1. Public and private school principals and teachers: regulations prescribed by the Teacher's Act shall apply;
2. Civil service employees in public schools who are hired according to the Civil Service Employment Act and employees hired before the effective date (May 3rd, 1985) of the Statute for Appointment of Educational Personnel: regulations prescribed by the Civil Servant Protection Act shall apply;
3. Private school staff: regulations prescribed by the Gender Equality in Employment Act shall apply;
4. Public and private school workers: regulations prescribed by the Gender Equality in Employment Act shall apply;
5. Public and private school students: regulations prescribed by the school shall apply.

第 34 條  

Article 35  
The school or competent authority shall establish facts relevant to cases prescribed by the Act according to the investigation report provided by its Gender Equity Education Committee.
The court shall consult the investigation reports provided by the Gender Equity Education Committee at different levels in establishing facts referred to in the preceding paragraph.

第 35 條  


Chapter 6 Penal Provision
第六 章 罰則
Article 36  
School violating Article 13, Article 14, the second paragraph of Article 20, Paragraph 2to Article 22, or Paragraph 3 to Article 27 shall be subjected to a fine not less than 10,000 New Taiwan Dollars and not more than 100,000 New Taiwan Dollars.
An offender who violates the fourth Paragraph of Article 30 without legitimate reasons shall be subjected to a fine not less than 10,000 New Taiwan Dollars and not more than 50,000 New Taiwan Dollars. Consecutive fine may be made until he or she cooperates or provides pertinent information.

第 36 條  

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第 七 章 附則
Article 37   Enforcement Rules for this Act shall be drawn by the central competent authority.

第 37 條   本法施行細則,由中央主管機關定之。
Article 38   This Act will take effect as of the date of promulgation.

第 38 條   本法自公布日施行。

