2008年10月9日 星期四

Tainan City One Day Trip 台南市ㄧ日遊

TAIWAN TRAVEL ( <Taiwan map><Tainan maps>)
Tainan one day tour 台南市一日遊
High Speed Rail https://irs.thsrc.com.tw/IMINT
(Taiwan Railway Administration )
Anping Fort
Eternal Golden Castle
(It takes only 5 to 10 minutes to Golden Castle from Anping Fort by car.)
Lunch at Chou's Shrimp Rolls (周氏蝦捲)
Chikan Towers (赤崁樓 Chìkàn Lóu)
Coufucius Temple


High Speed Rail
Anping Fort
(open8:00AM-5PM /$NT40)
address: 台南市國勝路82號
Anping Fort (安平古堡), originally called Fort Zeelandia, was built in 1620 by the Dutch.

The Dutch invaded and seized Anping as a military and commercial base in 1624. They began to construct a fort and city named Zeelandia, which was completed in 1634. This is where Taiwan's first recorded history took place.
Koxinga defeated the Dutch and took over Anping during the Ming Dynasty. After the end of World War II, the fort was reconstructed. Today, the only original remains of Zeelandia are two semi-spherical fragments north of the fort and part of the outer wall along the road in front of the fort. These brick walls have been designated Class 1 historical monuments.
There are several excavation sites around Anping Fort. It is interesting to note that much of the original Zeelandia is underground. This was discovered using modified U.S. military Doppler equipment.
From three excavation sites around the fort, numerous artifacts have been found and have been sent to the National Taiwan University for analysis.
Photos of one creative gallery:
「安平古堡」是台灣地區歷史最悠久的城堡。她的命運和赤嵌樓一樣波折叢生,不但數度易主,建築外貌和用途也幾經變更。最初的「安平古堡」,其實就是荷蘭人建造的 「熱蘭遮城」,又稱「奧倫治城」,為荷人在台灣最早建立的城堡,充做統治台灣和對外貿易的總樞紐。  

鄭成功領台後,繼續使用荷據時期的兩大城堡--熱蘭遮城和普羅民遮城,並分別改名為「安平鎮」 及「承天府」;前者做為鄭氏府第,後者做為全台政治中心。
入清後,政治中心移至內地,本城改為軍裝局。  同治十年(西元1873年),英國軍艦來犯,船砲命中城內軍火庫引發爆炸,城牆隨之而毀,之後遂成廢墟。 後來一度淪為居民修築房舍、清廷建造「億載金城」的磚石來源,可謂情景堪憐。
日據時代,原有的城垣被剷平, 改建成今日所見的日式海關宿舍與紅磚平台,至此,荷式城堡的蹤影可說已毀於無形。  
光復後,改名「安平古堡」,經整修原來日式宿舍,闢為古蹟紀念館。今日所見的安平古堡, 雖已是歷經多次整建後的模樣,不復當年碉堡的宏偉壯麗,但是其所保存的豐富史料, 和所代表的文化意義,仍是非常值得一覽的勝地!
另外,設在古堡入口對面的「永漢民藝館」, 原為清稅務司公館遺址,現陳列有明鄭至清朝的民俗文物,遊客可憑安平古堡入場卷免費參觀, 亦是不可錯過的據點。

億載金城 (Eternal Golden Castle)
Eternal Golden Fort (億載金城 Yì Zài Jīnchéng) - a 19th century coastal fort. Hours: 9AM-5PM.
ticket: NT$50
address: No.3, Guangjhou Rd., Tainan City.(南市光州路3號)

It was a defensive castle in Anping, Tainan, Taiwan. The castle was built in 1874 by the famous Qing official Shen Baozhen (沈葆楨) in order to safeguard the coast and to defend the island against Japanese invasions.
In 1895, when
Taiwan was invaded by Japan, the Taiwanese people fought against the Japanese battleship from this fortress. During the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government sold some of the fort's cannons in order to help pay for the war. With its cannons gone or obsolete, the fortress lost its military value.

億載金城,古稱「二鯤鯓砲台」,也有人稱做「三鯤鯓砲台」。其實「二鯤鯓」、「三鯤鯓」 都是昔日羅列在台江西岸的沙洲島名,道光年間後,台江逐漸淤積,諸沙洲也慢慢合攏連接,「二鯤鯓」、 「三鯤鯓」就在這種情形下連成一島,是故有這樣的別稱。  
億載金城不但是台灣第一座現代化西式砲台, 也是第一座配備「阿姆斯壯大砲」的砲台,可說是台灣砲台史上劃時代的里程碑。砲台的創建, 緣於「牡丹社事件」所引起的日軍犯台。  當時清廷派欽差大臣沈葆楨來台辦理籌防及交涉, 沈氏遂奏請興建砲台以固海口、護衛府城。因砲台位置地處沙洲,材料取得和運送皆不易, 傳聞當時曾大量搬用已傾圮的熱蘭遮城(即安平古堡)牆磚做為建城材料。  整座砲台於光緒二年完工,雖不及在事件中發揮作用,然在光緒10年及21年的中法、中日戰爭中, 曾大展雄威,有效嚇阻敵軍入侵。砲台內地寬闊廣大,原為操兵演練所在,中央原築有一池塘, 深約五、六尺,用來緩衝敵砲落地的殺傷力,以免危及四周營房及士兵。  如今池塘被填平了無蹤影, 至於營房的確切位置,至今也尚未定論,是淹沒在馬路下?抑或築在下方空地上?有待進一步考證。 砲台西側立有沈葆楨銅像,讓訪客在遊賞古蹟之餘,也順道憑弔這位對台灣近代建設頗有功業的清代大臣。

Lunch at 周氏蝦捲
They have run this business for over 50 years. futher information: check here:jamestung.blogspot.com

Chikan Towers (赤崁樓 Chìkàn Lóu)
(open8AM-5PM $NT30)
Chikan Towers (赤崁樓 Chìkàn Lóu; Fort Provintia ), originally called Fort Provintia, was built in 1653 by the Dutch.

Chi Kan LouThis was originally the site of the city of Providentia built by the Dutch in the 1650s as they outgrew Zeelandia. It included two bastions, one at the northeastern corner and one at the southwestern corner. On top of each stood a watchtower.
It has undergone changes from the Ming Dynasty to the Ching Dynasty to the Japanese occupation and to Taiwan's Retrocession. Fukienese-style buildings were built on the site during the Ching Dynasty followed by a temple during the Japanese colonial period. When the temple was destroyed in a typhoon, excavations revealed a corner of the original northeastern bastion. It is the most historic and valuable of the remains of Chi Kan Lou.
Today, Chi Kan Lou is a multi-storied complex, similar in appearance to a traditional Chinese shrine or temple. Scattered around the complex's garden are various stone tablets, stone horses, stone camels and a row of nine turtle-borne steles with texts inscribed in both the Chinese and Manchu languages.
These objects, moved in after the retrocession of Taiwan, make the garden an outdoor museum. Inside, Chi Kan Lou contains exhibits relating to Koxinga, and an altar for worshipping the god of literature. This is where students come to pray for good performance on examinations.
明天啟四年(1624),荷蘭人進據台灣,在一鯤身興造熱蘭遮城(即安平古堡),建立軍事據點。後因缺乏淡水,生活不便,經向原住民購得赤崁(Saccan)地方土地,並於該處建街築壘,鼓勵漢人前往居住,而成繁華市街。荷蘭人以殖民政策刮搜當地漢人,苛稅與虐民時令衝突發生。明永曆六年(1652),終於引起漢人郭懷一領導的抗荷事件,橫掃市街,惜以力單勢弱而功敗垂成。荷蘭人為防止反抗再生,遂於翌年(1653)擴充舊城,創建普羅民遮城,城在九月奠基,至一六五五年初大體完成。漢人仍以當地原名赤崁,而稱該堡壘為赤崁樓,更習慣以紅毛番稱呼荷蘭人,故也稱赤崁樓為番仔樓或紅毛樓。 民國72(1983)年12月28日,內政部公告指定赤崁樓為台閩地區第一級古蹟,更加肯定赤崁樓的歷史地位。

Tainan Coufucius Temple
Adderss : No 2, Nanmen Road, Tainan (台南市南門路2號)
phone: 06-2991111 ext. 8163
The Confucius Temple is an embodiment of Confucian culture in architecture. The largest and oldest Confucius Temple in China is located in Confucius' hometown in present-day Chufu, Shantung Province. For over 2,000 years, this temple has gradually evolved into its current magnificence and size and serves as the blueprint for all other Confucian temples.

Of the approximately thirty Confucian temples of varying sizes in Taiwan, the Tainan Confucius Temple is one of the most breath-taking and representative. This temple was founded in the Ming dynasty and converted into a prefectural school during the Ching dynasty. A plaque hangs in the temple from that period on which it is written, "The Head School of Taiwan.(全台首學)"
Built in 1666, it was the first Confucius Temple, before the end of Ming Dynasty, it was the location of the highest official institute of higher learning in Taiwan. The Taiwan Palace of "Confucianism Study", it owned the incompatible position of culture and education, and was called "The Highest Institute". It has been through more than thirty times of reconstruction, a part of the building was destroyed during the wars or ruined by nature disasters; the present scale of the Confucius Temple was the look after reconstructing during the time when Japanese were ruling (1917), its elegant and simple localization characteristic takes a distinctive attitude of its own among the Confucius Temples buildings in Taiwan. There are fifteen structures inside the Temple, the primary sacrifices in the palace is to Confucius divine tablet, on both sides, the sacrifices are to the sixteen pupils of Confucius. Between the beams and pillars, there hang twelve horizontal described boards awarded by sovereigns of all dynasties since early Ming Dynasty till today, it is the Confucius Temple in Taiwan to own the most complete royal horizontal described boards of all dynasties. Inside the temple, there are very old trees towering, classical elegant and tranquil, self-becoming a place of its own, the whole space presents a cultural breath, and is presently ranked among the national first-degree historic spots. Speaking of the preservation of the cultural articles in the Confucius, the inscriptional records through all times of repairs, the horizontal described boards awarded by sovereigns of all dynasties, and ceremony and musical instruments from early Ming Dynasty till nowadays are still kept perfectly, and these are all very precious historical cultural articles that deserve to be carefully appreciated.

The following blog has verious photos: http://www.filination.com/gallery/main.php/v/taiwan/tainan/confuciustemple/
台南孔子廟建於西元1665年,是台灣最早建立的孔廟,開啟台灣儒學之先聲,所以又稱為「全台首學」。 歷代的孔廟都有一定的建築規制,大多是模擬孔子山東故居,所有殿宇牌坊都有定名,如大成殿、東西蕪、泮池、明倫堂等; 大成殿是主殿,中間供奉孔子,兩旁是曾子、顏回、子思、孟子、及十二哲人,每年的祭孔大典就在大成殿前的中庭舉行。

延平郡王祠(open 5AM-8PM $NT20)
延平郡王祠昔稱開山王廟,建於明永曆十六年(西元1662年)之後,乃主祀民族英雄鄭成功之廟。入清之後,廟漸圮,至乾隆年間重建,馨香再盛,及同治13年,福建船政大臣沈葆楨蒞臺籌防,臺灣府進士楊士蒙等稟請為延平追諡建祠。  次年,奉旨建祠並追諡忠烈。民國52年,行政院定4月29日為鄭成功祭典,由中樞主祭,丕顯國魂。今貌係民國50年重建,所藏文物彌足珍貴。


High Speed Rail

1. http://www.e-jason.net/tainan/chikanlo.html
2.photo of Chou's Shrimp Rolls:
(coffin pie 棺材板(Guan Tsai Ban); eel noodle 鱔魚麵;Fugi's meat ball 福記肉丸)
3. http://english.cca.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=12204&ctNode=4067
4. http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/festival_c/teacher_e/conftmpl.htm
5. http://english.justaiwan.com/taiwan/spot_main.php?id=9
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Golden_Castle
7. Tainan pothos: http://www.welcome2taiwan.net/cht/journery/journery_5.aspx?Journey_Main_id=3&Journey_Secondary_id=12
8. Tainan City Gov.:http://www.tncg.gov.tw/
9. Tainan map of historical site: http://culture.tncg.gov.tw/english/index.php

By Wan-Li Yang
