最高法院刑11庭、刑8庭見解 (97台非457、400)
(三)結論: 原確定判決雖漏未依據刑法第93條第1項第1款規定,將犯妨害性自主罪而諭知緩刑之被告宣付保安處分(保護管束),而有違背法令之情形,但尚非不利於被告,且於法律見解之統一,欠缺原則上之重要性,客觀上難認有給予非常救濟之必要性,自應認非常上訴為無理由,予以駁回。
刑法94.1.7修正理由中已經明白闡釋出 何以認為妨害性自主罪之被告,應於緩刑期間保護管束:[一、緩刑制度在暫緩宣告刑之執行,促犯罪行為人自新,藉以救濟短期自由刑之弊,則緩刑期內,其是否已自我約制而洗心革面,自須予以觀察,尤其對於因生理或心理最需加以輔導之妨害性自主罪之被告,應於緩刑期間加以管束,故於第一項增訂對此類犯罪宣告緩刑時,應於緩刑期間付保護管束之宣告,以促犯罪行為人之再社會化。惟為有效運用有限之觀護資源,並避免徒增受緩刑宣告人不必要之負擔,其餘之犯罪仍宜由法官審酌具體情形,決定是否付保護管束之宣告。
Wanli YANG Others:
性侵害防治的漏洞? 2
性侵害防治的漏洞? 1
Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act 性侵害犯罪防治法
2009年4月27日 星期一
2009年4月19日 星期日
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3) 刑法英文41-47
[刑法英文全文各章節 http://wanliyang.blogspot.tw/2009/10/blog-post.html ]
刑法英文版第1條至第9條中英對照 Taiwan criminal law
Article 41
In an offense that carries a maximum principal punishment of not more than five years’ imprisonment, if the offender is sentenced to imprisonment for not more than six months or short-term imprisonment, the punishment may be commuted to a fine at a daily rate of NTD one thousand, two thousand or three thousand. This provision does not apply to the cases in which the commutation of the pronounced punishment as imposed is manifestly of little corrective effect, or the legal order cannot be maintained.
The previous paragraph also applies to the cases of combined punishment for multiple offenses, and those in which the punishment to be executed does not exceed six months.
刑法第 41 條:「犯最重本刑為五年以下有期徒刑以下之刑之罪,而受六個月以下有期徒刑或拘役之宣告者,得以新臺幣一千元、二千元或三千元折算一日,易科罰金。但確因不執行所宣告之刑,難收矯正之效或難以維持法秩序者,不在此限。(第1項)依前項規定於數罪併罰,並應執行之行刑未逾六月者,亦適用之。(第2項)」
Article 42
A fine must be paid in full within two months after judgment has been finalized. If full payment is not made within the two-month period, a compulsory execution shall be ordered. If the offender cannot afford the payment, the fine shall be commuted to labor service. If his economic or credit condition does not allow him to pay within the prescribed two months, he may be allowed to pay by installments within a year after the expiration of the prescribed period. When one installment is delayed or not paid in full, the convicted may be forced to pay the rest amount of the fine. In this case, the fine may be commuted to labor service.
If the afore-mentioned compulsory execution is taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and it is found that the convicted has no property for execution, the fine may directly be commuted to labor service.
The commutation of a fine to labor service shall be calculated at the rate of NTD one thousand, two thousand or three thousand a day but the period of labor service shall not exceed a year.
If the conversion rates for commuting a fine to labor service calculated according to subparagraph 7 of Article 51 are different, the rate for the longest period of labor service shall apply.
If the total amount of a fine calculated by the day exceeds the number of days of a year, the ratio of the total amount to the days of a year shall be used in the calculation and the time limit provided for in the preceding paragraph shall also apply.
The judgment on the fine shall include the conversion rate pursuant to the provisions of the two previous paragraphs.
A fractional part of a day resulting from the commutation of a fine to labor service shall not be considered.
If a payment is made during the period of labor service commuted from a fine, the amount paid shall be converted to days at the rate fixed in the judgment and these days shall be deducted from the period of labor service accordingly.
刑法第 42 條:「罰金應於裁判確定後二個月內完納。期滿而不完納者,強制執行。其無力完納者,易服勞役。但依其經濟或信用狀況,不能於二個月內完納者,得許期滿後一年內分期繳納。遲延一期不繳或未繳足者,其餘未完納之罰金,強制執行或易服勞役。(第1項)依前項規定應強制執行者,如已查明確無財產可供執行時,得逕予易服勞役。(第2項)易服勞役以新臺幣一千元、二千元或三千元折算一日。但勞役期限不得逾一年。(第3項)依第五十一條第七款所定之金額,其易服勞役之折算標準不同者,從勞役期限較長者定之。(第4項)罰金總額折算逾一年之日數者,以罰金總額與一年之日數比例折算。依前項所定之期限,亦同。(第5項)科罰金之裁判,應依前二項之規定,載明折算一日之額數。(第6項)易服勞役不滿一日之零數,不算。(第7項)易服勞役期內納罰金者,以所納之數,依裁判所定之標準折算,扣除勞役之日期。(第8項)」)
Article 43
A sentence to short-term imprisonment or a fine may be commuted to a reprimand when the motive for committing the offense is clearly excusable from the standpoint of public interest or justice.
刑法第4 3 條:「受拘役或罰金之宣告,而犯罪動機在公益或道義上顯可宥恕者,得易以訓誡。」
Article 44
When the execution of a punishment commuted to a fine, labor service or reprimand is completed, the punishment pronounced in the sentence is deemed to have been executed.
刑法第 44 條:「易科罰金、易服勞役或易以訓誡執行完畢者,其所受宣告之刑,以已執行論。」
Article 45
A period of punishment shall be calculated from the day on which the judgment becomes final.
Notwithstanding that the judgment has been finalized, the number of days during which the offender has not been held in custody shall not be included in the calculation of the period of punishment.
刑法第4 5 條:「刑期自裁判確定之日起算。(第項)裁判雖經確定,其尚未受拘禁之日數,不算入刑期內。(第2項)」
Article 46
Each day an offender is detained prior to the judgment shall be counted as a day of serving imprisonment or short-term imprisonment, or a converted fine determined according to paragraph 6 of Article 42.
Where the days of detention can not be deducted according to the preceding paragraph, each detained day may be counted as a day of the restriction on personal freedom if he is pronounced to a rehabilitative measure.
刑法第 46 條:「裁判確定前羈押之日數,以一日抵有期徒刑或拘役一日,或第四十二條第六項裁判所定之罰金額數。(第1項)羈押之日數,無前項刑罰可抵,如經宣告拘束人身自由之保安處分者,得以一日抵保安處分一日。(第2項)」
Article 47
A person, who intentionally commits an offense with a minimum punishment of imprisonment within five years after having served a sentence of imprisonment or having been pardoned after serving part of the sentence, is a recidivist. The principal punishment for a recidivist .shall be increased up to one half.
A person, who has fully served a forced labor or been remitted after serving part of the labor pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 98 regarding imprisonment remission for the labor, shall be deemed as a recidivist if he, within five years after having served the labor , intentionally commits an offense with a minimum punishment of imprisonment.
刑法第 47 條:「受徒刑之執行完畢,或一部之執行而赦免後,五年以內故意再犯有期徒刑以上之罪者,為累犯,加重本刑至二分之一。(第1項)第九十八條第二項關於因強制工作而免其刑之執行者,於受強制工作處分之執行完畢或一部之執行而免除後,五年以內故意再犯有期徒刑以上之罪者,以累犯論。(第2項)」
各國刑法英文版 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(1)刑法總則用語 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(5)刑法英文10-11 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)、
[刑法英文全文各章節 http://wanliyang.blogspot.tw/2009/10/blog-post.html ]
刑法英文版第1條至第9條中英對照 Taiwan criminal law
Article 41
In an offense that carries a maximum principal punishment of not more than five years’ imprisonment, if the offender is sentenced to imprisonment for not more than six months or short-term imprisonment, the punishment may be commuted to a fine at a daily rate of NTD one thousand, two thousand or three thousand. This provision does not apply to the cases in which the commutation of the pronounced punishment as imposed is manifestly of little corrective effect, or the legal order cannot be maintained.
The previous paragraph also applies to the cases of combined punishment for multiple offenses, and those in which the punishment to be executed does not exceed six months.
刑法第 41 條:「犯最重本刑為五年以下有期徒刑以下之刑之罪,而受六個月以下有期徒刑或拘役之宣告者,得以新臺幣一千元、二千元或三千元折算一日,易科罰金。但確因不執行所宣告之刑,難收矯正之效或難以維持法秩序者,不在此限。(第1項)依前項規定於數罪併罰,並應執行之行刑未逾六月者,亦適用之。(第2項)」
Article 42
A fine must be paid in full within two months after judgment has been finalized. If full payment is not made within the two-month period, a compulsory execution shall be ordered. If the offender cannot afford the payment, the fine shall be commuted to labor service. If his economic or credit condition does not allow him to pay within the prescribed two months, he may be allowed to pay by installments within a year after the expiration of the prescribed period. When one installment is delayed or not paid in full, the convicted may be forced to pay the rest amount of the fine. In this case, the fine may be commuted to labor service.
If the afore-mentioned compulsory execution is taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and it is found that the convicted has no property for execution, the fine may directly be commuted to labor service.
The commutation of a fine to labor service shall be calculated at the rate of NTD one thousand, two thousand or three thousand a day but the period of labor service shall not exceed a year.
If the conversion rates for commuting a fine to labor service calculated according to subparagraph 7 of Article 51 are different, the rate for the longest period of labor service shall apply.
If the total amount of a fine calculated by the day exceeds the number of days of a year, the ratio of the total amount to the days of a year shall be used in the calculation and the time limit provided for in the preceding paragraph shall also apply.
The judgment on the fine shall include the conversion rate pursuant to the provisions of the two previous paragraphs.
A fractional part of a day resulting from the commutation of a fine to labor service shall not be considered.
If a payment is made during the period of labor service commuted from a fine, the amount paid shall be converted to days at the rate fixed in the judgment and these days shall be deducted from the period of labor service accordingly.
刑法第 42 條:「罰金應於裁判確定後二個月內完納。期滿而不完納者,強制執行。其無力完納者,易服勞役。但依其經濟或信用狀況,不能於二個月內完納者,得許期滿後一年內分期繳納。遲延一期不繳或未繳足者,其餘未完納之罰金,強制執行或易服勞役。(第1項)依前項規定應強制執行者,如已查明確無財產可供執行時,得逕予易服勞役。(第2項)易服勞役以新臺幣一千元、二千元或三千元折算一日。但勞役期限不得逾一年。(第3項)依第五十一條第七款所定之金額,其易服勞役之折算標準不同者,從勞役期限較長者定之。(第4項)罰金總額折算逾一年之日數者,以罰金總額與一年之日數比例折算。依前項所定之期限,亦同。(第5項)科罰金之裁判,應依前二項之規定,載明折算一日之額數。(第6項)易服勞役不滿一日之零數,不算。(第7項)易服勞役期內納罰金者,以所納之數,依裁判所定之標準折算,扣除勞役之日期。(第8項)」)
Article 43
A sentence to short-term imprisonment or a fine may be commuted to a reprimand when the motive for committing the offense is clearly excusable from the standpoint of public interest or justice.
刑法第4 3 條:「受拘役或罰金之宣告,而犯罪動機在公益或道義上顯可宥恕者,得易以訓誡。」
Article 44
When the execution of a punishment commuted to a fine, labor service or reprimand is completed, the punishment pronounced in the sentence is deemed to have been executed.
刑法第 44 條:「易科罰金、易服勞役或易以訓誡執行完畢者,其所受宣告之刑,以已執行論。」
Article 45
A period of punishment shall be calculated from the day on which the judgment becomes final.
Notwithstanding that the judgment has been finalized, the number of days during which the offender has not been held in custody shall not be included in the calculation of the period of punishment.
刑法第4 5 條:「刑期自裁判確定之日起算。(第項)裁判雖經確定,其尚未受拘禁之日數,不算入刑期內。(第2項)」
Article 46
Each day an offender is detained prior to the judgment shall be counted as a day of serving imprisonment or short-term imprisonment, or a converted fine determined according to paragraph 6 of Article 42.
Where the days of detention can not be deducted according to the preceding paragraph, each detained day may be counted as a day of the restriction on personal freedom if he is pronounced to a rehabilitative measure.
刑法第 46 條:「裁判確定前羈押之日數,以一日抵有期徒刑或拘役一日,或第四十二條第六項裁判所定之罰金額數。(第1項)羈押之日數,無前項刑罰可抵,如經宣告拘束人身自由之保安處分者,得以一日抵保安處分一日。(第2項)」
Article 47
A person, who intentionally commits an offense with a minimum punishment of imprisonment within five years after having served a sentence of imprisonment or having been pardoned after serving part of the sentence, is a recidivist. The principal punishment for a recidivist .shall be increased up to one half.
A person, who has fully served a forced labor or been remitted after serving part of the labor pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 98 regarding imprisonment remission for the labor, shall be deemed as a recidivist if he, within five years after having served the labor , intentionally commits an offense with a minimum punishment of imprisonment.
刑法第 47 條:「受徒刑之執行完畢,或一部之執行而赦免後,五年以內故意再犯有期徒刑以上之罪者,為累犯,加重本刑至二分之一。(第1項)第九十八條第二項關於因強制工作而免其刑之執行者,於受強制工作處分之執行完畢或一部之執行而免除後,五年以內故意再犯有期徒刑以上之罪者,以累犯論。(第2項)」
各國刑法英文版 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(1)刑法總則用語 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(5)刑法英文10-11 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)、
2009年4月10日 星期五
The U.S. IP Criminal Enforcement Legal Resources
1. US IPR criminal enforcement legal resources: By Haiyan LiuIndiana University-Bloomington Available from Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice Web site. Retrieved from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/iplaws.html
2. US IPR enforcement statistics (criminal + civil + sentencing info.):
A. General descriptive statistics on the criminal enforcement of IPR in the U.S.: U.S. Department of Justice. 1999-2005. Intellectual Property Crime Report from the Attorney General's Annual Reports. Available from Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice Web site. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2008, from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/ippolicy.html#agannrep
B. Aggregate criminal and civil IP case statistics from 1994 to 2002: Motivans, Mark. 2004. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intellectual Property Theft, 2002. Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/ipt02.pdf
C. Additional criminal enforcement statistics:
the "standard analysis files" (SAF) at Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center website. The SAF datasets represent annual cohorts of suspects and defendants processed in the Federal criminal justice system, and are created from the case management files of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the U.S. Marshals Service, and the Drug Enforcement Agency (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2006a, 2006b, 2006c). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006a. Suspects in criminal matters concluded during fiscal year 2006: MAT06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C. : The Urban Institute (distributor). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006b. Defendants sentenced under the guidelines during fiscal year 2006: SC06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute (distributor). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006c. Defendants in criminal cases terminated during fiscal year 2006: CAS06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C. : The Urban Institute (distributor).
D. The most recent (after 2002) civil IP case statistics: Federal Judicial Center. 2006. FEDERAL COURT CASES: INTEGRATED DATA BASE, 2006 [Data file]. ICPSR04685-v2. Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center [producer]. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2007-10-09.
3. IP criminal cases in the U.S.:
Available from Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice Web site. Retrieved from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/ipcases.html
PS: provied by Haiyan Liu
PhD CandidateCriminal JusticeIndiana University-Bloomington
2. US IPR enforcement statistics (criminal + civil + sentencing info.):
A. General descriptive statistics on the criminal enforcement of IPR in the U.S.: U.S. Department of Justice. 1999-2005. Intellectual Property Crime Report from the Attorney General's Annual Reports. Available from Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice Web site. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2008, from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/ippolicy.html#agannrep
B. Aggregate criminal and civil IP case statistics from 1994 to 2002: Motivans, Mark. 2004. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intellectual Property Theft, 2002. Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/ipt02.pdf
C. Additional criminal enforcement statistics:
the "standard analysis files" (SAF) at Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center website. The SAF datasets represent annual cohorts of suspects and defendants processed in the Federal criminal justice system, and are created from the case management files of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the U.S. Marshals Service, and the Drug Enforcement Agency (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2006a, 2006b, 2006c). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006a. Suspects in criminal matters concluded during fiscal year 2006: MAT06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C. : The Urban Institute (distributor). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006b. Defendants sentenced under the guidelines during fiscal year 2006: SC06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute (distributor). Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Program. 2006c. Defendants in criminal cases terminated during fiscal year 2006: CAS06OUT [Data file].
Washington D.C. : The Urban Institute (distributor).
D. The most recent (after 2002) civil IP case statistics: Federal Judicial Center. 2006. FEDERAL COURT CASES: INTEGRATED DATA BASE, 2006 [Data file]. ICPSR04685-v2. Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center [producer]. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2007-10-09.
3. IP criminal cases in the U.S.:
Available from Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice Web site. Retrieved from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/ipcases.html
PS: provied by Haiyan Liu
PhD CandidateCriminal JusticeIndiana University-Bloomington
White Collar Crime Research Resources
White Collar Crime Research Resources
1. National White Collar Crime Center:
NW3C is a US non-profit membership organization that has been continuously funded through competitive grants for over three decades. Through a combination of training and critical support services, they equip state, local, Tribal and federal law enforcement agencies with skills and resources they need to tackle emerging economic and cybercrime problems.
For the US public, NW3C provides information and research so they too may become proactive in the prevention of economic and cyber crime. Victims of crimes can rely on NW3C to help them register Internet crime complaints through their website at www.ic3.gov and notify the appropriate authorities at local, state, and federal levels promptly, accurately, and securely.
2. White Collar Crime Research Consortium (WCCRC):
The mission of WCCRC is to promote increased US public awareness of the impact and burden of white collar crime on society through dedicated research. NW3C established the WCCRC and continues to provide support to its efforts.
NW3C Economic and High-Tech Crime Papers, Publications, Reports
3. The World Bank Publications and Research on Governance and Anti-Corruption
Research conducted at the WB Institute in Governance and Anti-corruption, often in collaboration with Bank Operations and/or outside academic institutions, contributes to the growing literature on the subject and is a key input to the learning products and action program formulation. The emphasis is on the concrete operationalization of new research findings, based on novel empirical approaches and a major effort to develop a worldwide database on governance indicators.
4. The World Bank Database on Governance and Anti-Corruption:
5. OECD section on Fighting Corruption:
Corruption threatens good governance, sustainable development, democratic process, and fair business practices. The OECD is a global leader in the fight against corruption, taking a multidisciplinary approach to combating corruption in business via the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, taxation, development aid, and governance in its member countries and beyond. Regional anti-corruption programs help the OECD reach out globally to curb corruption.
Statistics: http://www.oecd.org/statisticsdata/0,3381,en_2649_37447_1_119656_1_1_37447,00.html
Publications and Documents:
1. National White Collar Crime Center:
NW3C is a US non-profit membership organization that has been continuously funded through competitive grants for over three decades. Through a combination of training and critical support services, they equip state, local, Tribal and federal law enforcement agencies with skills and resources they need to tackle emerging economic and cybercrime problems.
For the US public, NW3C provides information and research so they too may become proactive in the prevention of economic and cyber crime. Victims of crimes can rely on NW3C to help them register Internet crime complaints through their website at www.ic3.gov and notify the appropriate authorities at local, state, and federal levels promptly, accurately, and securely.
2. White Collar Crime Research Consortium (WCCRC):
The mission of WCCRC is to promote increased US public awareness of the impact and burden of white collar crime on society through dedicated research. NW3C established the WCCRC and continues to provide support to its efforts.
NW3C Economic and High-Tech Crime Papers, Publications, Reports
3. The World Bank Publications and Research on Governance and Anti-Corruption
Research conducted at the WB Institute in Governance and Anti-corruption, often in collaboration with Bank Operations and/or outside academic institutions, contributes to the growing literature on the subject and is a key input to the learning products and action program formulation. The emphasis is on the concrete operationalization of new research findings, based on novel empirical approaches and a major effort to develop a worldwide database on governance indicators.
4. The World Bank Database on Governance and Anti-Corruption:
5. OECD section on Fighting Corruption:
Corruption threatens good governance, sustainable development, democratic process, and fair business practices. The OECD is a global leader in the fight against corruption, taking a multidisciplinary approach to combating corruption in business via the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, taxation, development aid, and governance in its member countries and beyond. Regional anti-corruption programs help the OECD reach out globally to curb corruption.
Statistics: http://www.oecd.org/statisticsdata/0,3381,en_2649_37447_1_119656_1_1_37447,00.html
Publications and Documents:
2009年4月7日 星期二
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2) 刑法英文1-9
[刑法英文全文各章節 http://wanliyang.blogspot.tw/2009/10/blog-post.html ]
刑法英文版第1條至第9條中英對照 Taiwan criminal law
Article 1
A conduct is punishable only when expressly so provided by the law at the time of commission. This also applies to a rehabilitative measure which puts restrictions on personal freedom.
Article 2
When the law is amended after the commission of an offense, the law in force of its commission shall apply; provided when the amended law is favorable to the offender, the most favorable law shall apply.
For a rehabilitative measure that does not involve restrictions on personal freedom, the law in force at the time of judgment shall apply.
When a judgment has been finalized with a punishment or a rehabilitative measure but not yet executed or before the end of execution, and the law is amended into a state with no punishment or rehabilitative measure for the offense, the punishment or the rehabilitative measure shall be remitted.
Article 3
This Code shall apply to any offense committed within the territory of the Republic of China. An offense committed on board a vessel or aircraft of the Republic of China outside the territory of the Republic of China shall be considered as an offense committed within the territory of the Republic of China .
Article 4
Where either the conduct or the result of an offense takes place within the territory of the Republic of China, the offense shall be considered as committed within the territory of the Republic of China .
Article 5
This Code shall apply to any of the following offenses outside the territories of the Republic of China:
1.the offense of sedition specified in Article 100.
2.the offense of treason specified in Article 103.
3.the offenses of obstructing governmental operation specified in Article 135,136 or 138.
4.the offenses against public safety specified in Article 185-1 or 185-2.
5.the offenses of counterfeiting currency specified in Article 195 to 199.
6.the offenses of counterfeiting securities specified in Article 201 to 202.
7.the offenses of forgery specified in Article 211, 214, 218 or 216 in which only includes using forged official documents as specified in Articles 211, 213 or 214.
8.the drug offenses specified in Chapter 20, except for the offenses of drug abuse or possession of drug, seeds or application tools of drug.
9.the offenses against personal freedom specified in Article 296 or 296-1.
10.the offenses of piracy specified in Article 333 or 334.
刑法第 5 條
六、Article 6
This Code shall apply to any of the following offenses committed by any public official of the Republic of China outside the territory of the Republic of China :
1.the offenses of malfeasance specified in Article 121 to 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 132, or 134.
2.the offense(s) of facilitating escape specified in Article 163.
3.the offense of forgery specified in Article 213.
4.the offense of embezzlement specified in Article 336, paragraph 1.
Article 7
This Code shall apply where any national of Republic of China commits an offense which is not specified in one of the two preceding articles but is punishable for not less than 3 years of imprisonment outside the territory of the Republic of China; unless the offense is not punishable by the law of the place where the offense is committed.
Article 8
The provisions of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis to an alien who commits an offense outside the territory of the Republic of China against a national of the Republic of China.
Article 9
An offense is punishable under this Code despite that a finalized judgment has been rendered by a foreign tribunal; where the punishment has been entirely or partly executed in the foreign country, the execution of the punishment in the Republic of China may be entirely or partly remitted.
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(5)刑法英文10-11 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)
Wanli YANG 整理
[刑法英文全文各章節 http://wanliyang.blogspot.tw/2009/10/blog-post.html ]
刑法英文版第1條至第9條中英對照 Taiwan criminal law
Article 1
A conduct is punishable only when expressly so provided by the law at the time of commission. This also applies to a rehabilitative measure which puts restrictions on personal freedom.
Article 2
When the law is amended after the commission of an offense, the law in force of its commission shall apply; provided when the amended law is favorable to the offender, the most favorable law shall apply.
For a rehabilitative measure that does not involve restrictions on personal freedom, the law in force at the time of judgment shall apply.
When a judgment has been finalized with a punishment or a rehabilitative measure but not yet executed or before the end of execution, and the law is amended into a state with no punishment or rehabilitative measure for the offense, the punishment or the rehabilitative measure shall be remitted.
Article 3
This Code shall apply to any offense committed within the territory of the Republic of China. An offense committed on board a vessel or aircraft of the Republic of China outside the territory of the Republic of China shall be considered as an offense committed within the territory of the Republic of China .
Article 4
Where either the conduct or the result of an offense takes place within the territory of the Republic of China, the offense shall be considered as committed within the territory of the Republic of China .
Article 5
This Code shall apply to any of the following offenses outside the territories of the Republic of China:
1.the offense of sedition specified in Article 100.
2.the offense of treason specified in Article 103.
3.the offenses of obstructing governmental operation specified in Article 135,136 or 138.
4.the offenses against public safety specified in Article 185-1 or 185-2.
5.the offenses of counterfeiting currency specified in Article 195 to 199.
6.the offenses of counterfeiting securities specified in Article 201 to 202.
7.the offenses of forgery specified in Article 211, 214, 218 or 216 in which only includes using forged official documents as specified in Articles 211, 213 or 214.
8.the drug offenses specified in Chapter 20, except for the offenses of drug abuse or possession of drug, seeds or application tools of drug.
9.the offenses against personal freedom specified in Article 296 or 296-1.
10.the offenses of piracy specified in Article 333 or 334.
刑法第 5 條
六、Article 6
This Code shall apply to any of the following offenses committed by any public official of the Republic of China outside the territory of the Republic of China :
1.the offenses of malfeasance specified in Article 121 to 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 132, or 134.
2.the offense(s) of facilitating escape specified in Article 163.
3.the offense of forgery specified in Article 213.
4.the offense of embezzlement specified in Article 336, paragraph 1.
Article 7
This Code shall apply where any national of Republic of China commits an offense which is not specified in one of the two preceding articles but is punishable for not less than 3 years of imprisonment outside the territory of the Republic of China; unless the offense is not punishable by the law of the place where the offense is committed.
Article 8
The provisions of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis to an alien who commits an offense outside the territory of the Republic of China against a national of the Republic of China.
Article 9
An offense is punishable under this Code despite that a finalized judgment has been rendered by a foreign tribunal; where the punishment has been entirely or partly executed in the foreign country, the execution of the punishment in the Republic of China may be entirely or partly remitted.
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(5)刑法英文10-11 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)
Wanli YANG 整理
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(1) 刑法總則用語
Taiwan criminal law(in Chinese version)
1.死刑:death penalty。
2.無期徒刑:life imprisonment。
5.拘役:short-term imprisonment
6.重傷:serious physical injury
7.輕傷:physical injury
8.致人於死:if the offense results in death 或cause death。
1.第257條第3項之「物」:object 或 property。
3.第259條第1項之「意圖營利」:with the intention of making a profit;總則之「故意」:intent
5.第294條之law, order或contract等字前,無須加冠詞。.
6.第296條之1第3項之「前二項」:provided in the preceding paragraphs(因前無其他項);同條第6項之「第一項至第三項」:provided in paragraph 1 to 3。
7.第297條第2項之「前項」:the preceding paragraph
8.第320條第1項之「意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有」:with the intention to unlawfully possess 9.「公然」:openly。
10.「公務員」:public officials;「非公務員」:non-public officials
11.「加重其刑至三分之一」:aggregated by one-thirds。
12.「處死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上有期徒刑」:shall be sentenced to death penalty or life imprisonment, or imprisonment not less than ten years。
13.「處一年以上、七年以下有期徒刑」:shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than one year but not more than seven years。
14.「科或併科一千元以下罰金」:in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine not more than one thousand yuan.
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)、
Taiwan criminal law(in Chinese version)
1.死刑:death penalty。
2.無期徒刑:life imprisonment。
5.拘役:short-term imprisonment
6.重傷:serious physical injury
7.輕傷:physical injury
8.致人於死:if the offense results in death 或cause death。
1.第257條第3項之「物」:object 或 property。
3.第259條第1項之「意圖營利」:with the intention of making a profit;總則之「故意」:intent
5.第294條之law, order或contract等字前,無須加冠詞。.
6.第296條之1第3項之「前二項」:provided in the preceding paragraphs(因前無其他項);同條第6項之「第一項至第三項」:provided in paragraph 1 to 3。
7.第297條第2項之「前項」:the preceding paragraph
8.第320條第1項之「意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有」:with the intention to unlawfully possess 9.「公然」:openly。
10.「公務員」:public officials;「非公務員」:non-public officials
11.「加重其刑至三分之一」:aggregated by one-thirds。
12.「處死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上有期徒刑」:shall be sentenced to death penalty or life imprisonment, or imprisonment not less than ten years。
13.「處一年以上、七年以下有期徒刑」:shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than one year but not more than seven years。
14.「科或併科一千元以下罰金」:in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine not more than one thousand yuan.
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(2)刑法英文1-9 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(3)刑法英文41-47 、
中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(4)刑法英文48-56 、
Taiwan Law 、
刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)、
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