2009年9月28日 星期一


中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯(7) 刑法英文中英對照 25-31

第 一 編 總則 § 1
第 一 章 法例 § 1-11
第 二 章 刑事責任 § 12-24 Chapter 2 Criminal Responsinility 12-24

第 三 章 未遂犯 § 25-27 Chapter 3 Attempt

Article 25
An attempt is an overt act performed in the commission of an offense that is not accomplished.
An attempt is punishable only if specifically so provided and the punishment may be reduced from that for an accomplished offense.

第 25 條 (未遂犯)

Article 26
A conduct (act) that is impossible to accomplish the intended offense and is not dangerous is not punishable.
第 26 條 (不能犯之處罰)

Article 27
If an overt act is performed in the commission of an offense and the actor voluntarily renounces the act or prevents it from producing its result, the punishment shall be reduced or remitted. This provision shall also apply to a case when the result does not occur but not due to the act of prevention by the actor so long as the actor has done his utmost to prevent it.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph applies to one or multiple joint offenders who voluntarily prevent the occurrence of the result, or who have done their utmost to prevent it but the non-occurrence of the result is not due to the act of prevention.
第 27 條 (中止犯)


第 四 章 正犯與共犯 § 28-31 Chapter 4 Principal Offenders and Joint Offenders

Article 28
Each of the two or more persons acting jointly in the commission of an offense is a principal offender.第 28 條 (共同正犯)

Article 29
A person who solicits another to have committed an offense is a solicitor.
A solicitor shall be punished according to the punishment prescribed for the solicited offense.
第 29 條 (教唆犯及其處罰)

Article 30
A person who aids another in the commission of a crime is an accessory notwithstanding that the person aided does not know of the assistance.
The punishment prescribed for an accessory may be reduced from that prescribed for the principal offender.
第 30 條 (幫助犯及其處罰)

Article 31
A person who joins, solicits or aids another in an offense established on the basis of personal or other special relationship shall be considered a principal offender (or joint offender) but the punishment may be reduced.

If the punishment is to be increased, reduced, or remitted because of personal special relationship, an offender who has no such special relationship shall be given the normally prescribed punishment.
第 31 條 (正犯或共犯與身份)


各國刑法英文版中華民國刑法英譯(1)刑法總則用語刑法英譯1-9刑法英譯10-11刑法英譯 12-24刑法英文 25-31刑法英文32-40刑法英譯41-47刑法英譯48-56刑法法條中文版Taiwan Law刑法法條中文Taiwan Criminal Law(in chinese version)


2009.09.29 By Wan-Li Yang
