2009年12月22日 星期二

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 116-119

中華民國刑法暨其施行法英譯刑法英文中英對照 116-119
Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法條文 (刑法英文)
Part II
Specific Crimes
Chapter 3
Offenses of Interference with Relations with Other States
Article 116-119
第 三 章 妨害國交罪 § 116-119 )

Article 116
A person who commits an offense of intentionally causing bodily injury to, restraining the personal freedom of, or injuring the reputation of, the head of a friendly state or the representative of a friendly state accredited to the Republic of China, may have the punishment prescribed for such an offense increased by one-third.
第 116 條
(原條文為:...may have the punishment prescribed for such offense increased by one third. )(原本會議結論:11.「加重其刑至三分之一」翻譯為aggregated by one-thirds。應該沒有s, 另外說 aggregated 有兩個刑加起來的意義, inceased 是原本的加上去, increased 較OK)
Article 117
A person who during a state of war between foreign states violates the rules of neutrality established by the Government of the Republic of China shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three thousand yuan.

第 117 條
(原本決議13.「處一年以上、七年以下有期徒刑」:shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than one year but not more than seven years。用 imprisonment for 較OK; 14.「科或併科一千元以下罰金」:in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine not more than one thousand yuan. 用 a fine of 較OK)

Article 118
A person who, with intent to insult a foreign state, openly damages, pulls down, or otherwise dishonors the national flag or emblem of such foreign state shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.

第 118 條
(註:原條文為: A person who with purpose to insult a foreign state publicly destroys, damages, pulls down, or otherwise dishonor....) (原決議「公然」應譯為openly,比 publicly較符合法條意思。因為openly乃有不論有何人在場的意思, publicly則有他人在場的意思)

rticle 119
Prosecution for an offense against reputation specified in Article 116 or for an offense specified in Article 118 may be instituted only upon receipt of an complaint from the foreign government concerned.

第 119 條
(註:原條文為..may be instituted only upon the complaint of the government or the foreign state concerned. ) (原決議「前二項」乃用 provided in the preceding paragraphs, 但是specified較好)
