2009年12月22日 星期二

中華民國刑法 Criminal Law 142-148

刑法英文中英對照 142-148
Taiwan Criminal Law 刑法英文版

Part 2 Specific Crimes
Chapter 6
Offenses of Interference with Voting

Article 142
A person who by threats, violence, or other illegal means interferes with another in the free exercise of his right to vote at a political election duly authorized by law or in the free exercise of his other voting rights shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years.
An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.
(刑法第142 條

(原條文譯為...in the free excercises of his right to vote..[要刪去s]...in the free exercise of his other voting right...[要加s])
Article 143
A qualified voter who demands, agrees to accept, or accepts a bribe or other improper benefits for refraining from exercising his right to vote or for exercising such right in a particular manner shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five thousand yuan may be imposed.

Any benefit received through the commission of an offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be forfeited; if the whole or a part of such benefit cannot be forfeited, the value thereof shall be collected from the offender.
(刑法第143 條

(原條文為: a benefit.)

Article 144
A person who promises, offers, or gives a bribe or other improper benefits to a qualified voter in return for refraining from exercising the right to vote or for exercising such right in a particular manner shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than seven thousand yuan may be imposed.
(刑法第144 條: 對於有投票權之人,行求、期約或交付賄賂或其他不正利益,而約其不行使投票權或為一定之行使者,處五年以下有期徒刑,得併科七千元以下罰金。)
(原條文沒有in return)
Article 145
A person who induces a qualified voter to refrain from exercising his right to vote or to exercise such right in a particular manner by offering an economic advantage or by threatening an economic disadvantage shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years.
(刑法第145條: 以生計上之利害誘惑投票人不行使其投票權或為一定之行使者,處三年以下有期徒刑。)
Article 146
A person who by fraud or other illegal means procures an incorrect result from voting or alters election returns shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years.

A person who, with intent to render a candidate elected, makes a false census registration to obtain the right to vote, and then votes, shall be subject to the same punishment.
An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraphs is punishable.
(刑法第146 條

(原條文第2項:A person who with purpose to render a candidate elected falsely makes census registration to obtain the right to vote and votes shall.. )(原條文第3項:An attempt to commit an offense specified in one of the two preceding paragraphs is punishable.)
Article 147
A person who interferes with or creates a disturbance at an election shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years, short-term imprisonment, or a fine of not more than five hundred yuan.
(刑法第147 條: 妨害或擾亂投票者,處二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或五百元以下罰金。)
Article 148
A person who pries the content of a secret ballot shall be punished with a fine of not more than three hundred yuan.
(刑法第148條: 於無記名之投票,刺探票載之內容者,處三百元以下罰金。)
(註:此條文僅處罰金刑, 即不改為:sentenced to; 另外刺探翻譯為 pry怪怪的,而到底要不要刺探得知票的內容也是問題 )

2010.01.01 WANLI YANG

(a)呼聲投票( voice vote)
(b)起立或舉手投票 (rising or hand-raising vote)
(c)點名投票 (roll call vote)
(d)無記名投票(ballot vote)
(e)一致同意票 (voting by unanimous consent)
(f)郵遞投票 (voting by mail)
(9)代理投票 (voting by proxy)
