2010年4月24日 星期六

英文簡報技巧 2 How to conclue a PowerPoint presentation

英文簡報技巧 2 How to conclude a PowerPoint presentation?簡報結論

一、直接結論/ In Conclusion:1. OK, that ends the final part of my talk.
2.That is all for my presentaiton today.
3. And that concludes my presentation. Thank you. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them now.
二、歸納重點/ Recap:
1.Let me just run over the key points again. Firstly, Secondly, Finally.
2.I'll briefly summarize the main issues.
3. I'd like to end with a brief conclusion.
1.Thank you very much for your attention.
2. Thank you for listening.
四、提出問題/to stimulate intellectual thought
I'd like to leave you with the following thought(s).

Q&A session
1. Thank you for listening. Now, I'd like to invite your comments and questions. We have 1o minutes for questions and discussion.
2. I'd be glad to try to answer any questions.
3. Now, are there any questions or comments?
4. Any questions?

1. Thanks a lot for raising this question.
2. This is really a good question.
3. Mr. Chen just asked a very good question.
4....However, you have asked many questions. Could you please ask one question at a time?


1. Sorry, I'm not sure I've understood. Could you please repeat?
2. Are you asking if...
3. Do you mean...?
4. I didn't catch (the last part of) your question. If I have understood you correctly, you mean...?
1、.....If I have understood you correctly, you would like to know....Is that right? OK, let's go back to the third graph I talked about. As you can see,
2、Does that answer your question?
3、Is that OK?

態度 /attitute/ Handling questionsSkills / 『Yes..,but...法則』
1. Ask for repetition or clarification if necessary
2. Paraphrase the question to check you understand it. ( Give yourself time to think—perhaps by paraphrasing the questions)
3. Refer questioner to another person(expert) if you can’t answer.
(1) It is my lucky day because Dr. Yang, who is working for your company, is here and since Dr. Yang is one of hte top experts in ...field, he is the most appropriate person here to answer this question.

4. Be polite.
5. Signal when time is running out—“Time for one last question”
6. That’s a difficult question to answer in a few words.--It could be…--In my experience…--I would say…--I don’t think I’m the right person to answer that. Perhaps (Mr. Yang) can help…--7.I don’t have much experience in that field… I will check again with my colleagues and respond to you early next week, O.K.?

Understood but irrelevant or impossible to answer in the time available
9.I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of my talk/ this session.If I were you I’d discuss that with…I’ll have to come to that later, perhaps during the break since we’re running out of time.
10. I'm afraid that's outside the scope of my talk, but if you'd like, we can discuss this after the presentation.

相關文章: 英文簡報技巧
2010.4.25 Wan-Li Yang
